
Water-Resistant Resco Products Prove Ideal at Wero Whitewater Park.
In both the public and staff changing areas at the new Manukau park, Resco’s Series 5000 cubicles are fitted for showers and toilets, and building walls are lined with Resco Multicom.
All ablution areas at Wero are required to withstand intense and sustained exposure to water, making Resco’s solid core Compact Laminate an astute, cost-effective choice, says general manager Troy Henriques. “Resco’s Compact Laminate is impervious to water; it won’t delaminate,” says Troy, who adds that their products contain a bacteria-repelling compound and are impact and graffiti resistant.
Wero Whitewater Park is New Zealand’s first facility to offer an artificial river and water course for recreation, sports, emergency services training, school programmes and youth development.
Phil Burns of Savory Construction was site manager for the creation of the building infrastructure at the park, which opened earlier in 2016. He had not worked with Resco previously, but says he would happily do so again. “We were very impressed, everything went smoothly; they have a really good system that picks up any changes from when the job was tendered,” Phil says.
The curving design of the buildings could have been “tricky,” Phil says, requiring, amongst other things, each partition to slightly widen from the previous one. “But nothing had to be sent away for a re-cut, and Resco hit the mark timing-wise every step of the way.”
Phil says his building firm appreciate when all facets are strong. “The guys who came on site for measuring, the back-up service from head office, and the material itself; when you get all three ticking the boxes like Resco does, it’s a winner.”